Tuesday July 6th 2010 | Club, Cricket

Following his nomination for an “Outstanding Service to Cricket Award” (OSCA) in its inaugural year in 2009, Bob Hinchliffe went one better in 2010 when he was awarded with the trophy at Lancashire’s new venue, “The Point”, on the 2nd July.

The category was for “Leagues and Boards” and Bob, who has been secretary of the Lancashire County League since its formation in 1994, is also a member of the Lancashire Cricket Board executive committee as well as the Recreational and Development sub-committee.

He has also been secretary of the Lancashire Inter-League Knockout competition since 1989.

Bob said that it was a nice surprise to win the award and thanked the understanding of his wife Helen without which he could not have achieved the length of service he has.

At the dinner, Bob and Helen were supported by Prestwich Chairman Brian Lorenzini and his wife Linda and with Bob being Vice-Chairman at the club, he added that he was glad that his lifelong friends were there to share the occasion with him.

The national ECB awards take place at Lords in October.