Friday December 23rd 2011 | Club

Firstly, I would like to wish all members at PCTBC a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and to continued success for all our teams across all our sports.

2011 has seen us come through financially from the massive investment in the successful SPACSE project and start again to grow our funds for the demands of our future business plans. The Club will announce shortly its full year accounts at the AGM in January but having met with our accountants yesterday I can confirm that they will show the year on year growth that is required to maintain and progress a club of our community stature.

Apart from constantly maintaining and improving our playing facilities and meeting the massive demands that overheads bring, we continue to grow. Our membership numbers have increased, which of course includes the successful inclusion of our new Football Section, and I must also mention the successful Darts and Domino team too. Club membership is now running at ca 600; well above the figure we committed to with Sport England for the SPACSE grants.

We have just recently purchased and installed Solar Panel system which will reduce our energy costs over many years and also spent money on improving our security by putting security shutters on to a FOB entry system. This involved a capital outlay of ca £14k. Most members will want to know when we will spend on the main entry road; and I am delighted to confirm we will spend serious capital on our entry road and are currently awaiting news of the likely development of the collection of garages at our main point of entry prior to committing funds to the improvement of the road.

Future Capital plans (other than those already mentioned) include replacement of the ‘Three Sand Based Tennis Courts’. This will probably happen within 3/5 years but is dependent on the success of planned maintenance options which have, thankfully, proven successful. The cost will be ca £50k and is already planned within the financial forecasts of our business plans.

Other Projects which are gaining momentum include the development of Grimshaws (Prestwich Arts College led Project) which could provide state of the art Football and Athletic playing facilities. This will require massive grant support from several funding agencies and a lot of work for committed members.

We set out five years ago to ensure a successful and stable future for our club and to provide a legacy for future generations. I feel at this time we can be justifiably pleased with our progress but we still require your continued support.

Can you provide additional support? You can? Go on you know you can! If not already a member then please join our 300 Club (currently 235 are members) at a cost of £4 per month.

Brian Lorenzini
Chairman of PCTBC