Monday September 10th 2012 | Club

Usage of these networks is of course a very powerful and useful way of communicating. The club of course uses them regularly to communicate events and reports on sporting fixtures etc.

The club like many other organisations is concerned that there is a serious potential for threatening, bullying and abuse language on these networks. We have heard horror stories from other club’s and leagues across the UK resulting in very serious discipline and legal actions being taken.

The management committee of the club intend to take action to attempt to avoid this type of issue occurring at PCTBC and will produce a SMN policy suitable for the club and its members.

As part of our Clubmark Accreditation we already have a policy which the English Cricket Board say complies with their standards. It is our intention to build on that, produce, include in our constitution and then issue to all our members. Prior to issue we will of course take advise from our Lawyers.

This note is not intended to frighten our members but merely highlight the pitfalls that can occur if SMN’s are not used with great care.

Hopefully this Policy will be formalised within the next few months.

Brian Lorenzini
Chairman PCTBC