Friday January 25th 2013 | Club

For obvious reasons I am combining my report with that of the Treasurer’s. I have also asked our Accountant Andrew McGrain to do a paper as well.

The accounts show significant growth and a positive end result in terms of profit. However I ask members to understand that without the significant effort of volunteers we would not make any money to re-invest in our facilities at all. The bar takings, subscriptions and other income are wonderful but without volunteers we would struggle. I use as an example the cost of managing our bar is simply that of wages for serving staff, we have no paid staff doing all the work that a steward would normally complete it is done by volunteers! We are extremely fortunate as we have volunteers across all our sections and their work is quite simply sensational and saves this clubs many £k’s.

The bar profit has improved by ca £10k due in the main to some actions taken by the Bar mgt group and a reduction in our bar purchases making us more cost effective. We have paid back £14k in loans to members who supported the Club Spacse project, £3k to ECB and spent further capital on the road, Solar panels, security totalling another £35k. Again this is the performance of a club growing within its means and maintaining and improving its facilities. Our cash flow forecasts allow us the confidence to know that we will meet our business plan commitments over the next 10/15 years. The next main capital expense in the next few years will be the upgrading of our quality sand based tennis courts. We also have hopeful plans of developing our patio area and even increasing the patio area around to the Bowling gallery. The Football section awaits a massive development led by the school which will improve the playing field adjoining our land. All meaning we are moving onwards and upwards.

The bar commercial activity is extremely successful and again thanks to its volunteer management. We took nearly £5k in hiring fees again justifying Spacse and the development of our clubhouse. Our bar is bucking the downward trend of other clubs and we have just finalised a deal with Greene King to take over as our supplying brewery. This will bring national branded products at affordable prices!

Our 300 club has 220 supporters paying £4 per month and contributing over £5k in profits. I thank all our sponsors who continue to support us even in the difficult times we are all enduring.

What can you all do to help I hear you say. Well support your club and in particular all its volunteers in any way you can.

Finally, outside of her direct family, the club and its army of volunteers took a massive knock this week with the incalculable loss of Viv, a girl that epitomised everything I have said in my report. She supported me personally and corrected me when I set an occasional test but I am sure she would want her club to continue down the lines she helped set up.

Brian Lorenzini – January 2013