Friday January 3rd 2014 | Club

All the sections will provide their own individual reports which will be available at the AGM so I will focus on the club as a whole.

We have had a quite fantastic year in terms of bar turnover which has increased by >8%. The change of Brewery which allowed us to improve our portfolio of products, in addition, to the financial aspects of the new contract which enabled us to freeze the prices and in some case reduce them has proved very successful. This was the direction we intended to take the club in when we made all the structural changes a couple of years ago. Remember my favourite phrase ‘ Standing still is not an option’?

Our standard costs which include energy/licences/TV and many others items average out at about £30k and again evidences the need for stringent financial control to allow our club to continue its growth pattern for the foreseeable future.

This area has seen massive change since the loss of our Treasurer Viv in January last year. Our new Finance team ( Heather, Anne, Graham, Steve and myself) meet regularly and at the end of each financial quarter and progress all the actions/issues across the spectrum of our finances. We have an updated cash spreadsheet available each week which enables the Management Committee to monitor and control income and expenditure. I have to advise you that the Finance Team have worked tirelessly to recover the sudden loss of Viv and ensure the club continues on the same path as before! The work this group does cannot be overstated.

We are now in the position to maximise our commercial activities to the benefit of the club as we recognised many years ago that simple membership fees did not equate to the total running costs of the club. This more than any other area has resulted in turnover maximising profits which are being ploughed back into our facilities. In addition to external bookings, our members continue to enjoy our facilities for their own family anniversaries at a much reduced cost so please put your club at the top of any possible venues for your families.

The strength of our club is based on the commitment of its volunteers and their work is quite remarkable and needs the recognition of our members. All our sections are run by an army of volunteers which allows the club to remove a large amount of overheads/costs which again contributes massively to our club. An area I want to highlight is the list of members who close/lock the club late at night on a rota basis, a list we need to build on! Any volunteers please contact Steve Dixon.

Finally, let me highlight the fact again that our business plans are developed around the need to further develop the club as well as maintain and replace key assets eg all weather tennis courts. Another volunteer John Howard is now investigating and highlighting grant opportunities to cover future development including the possibility of additional facilities on adjoining land to our own.

Support your club in any way you can.

Brian Lorenzini – January 2014