Friday January 17th 2014 | Tennis

The Junior groups are back up and running on Saturday mornings with the mini tennis classes taking place in the sports hall at Prestwich Arts College. A reminder of these groups are as follows:

Sat: 9am to 10am- Mini Red Class (Ages 8 & under)
Sat: 10am to 11am- Mini Orange/Green (Ages 9 &10)
Sat 11am to 12pm- Junior Group (Ages 11-17)

Our tennis coach Paul Jepson is also starting a Junior Team Squad on Wednesday eveings 5:30pm to 6:30pm for those players who play in the Junior Teams. This will run for 6 weeks starting on Wednsday 29th Jan 2014. (Cost £30).

Please let Paul know if you would like your child to attend by emailing or calling 07841 605 244.