The Club continues to progress and develop in line with our ongoing vision for the future. During this financial year we have received the final instalment of the fantastic legacy given to the club by the estate of Beryl Shaw which in total has allowed the club to move its future plans forward at real pace.
Initially we added Solar Panels to the club roof which is providing a return of 15% on our investment annually, paying back our investment in 6.5 years. Having decided the Members Lounge was not big enough we have decided to invest further by increasing the size and quality of the area which will complete this month. This is first of four phases which will increase the internal footprint of our Lounges and refurbish and extend the main kitchen area. The legacy spent wisely in line with our plans for the future!
I must again reiterate to Members that the work done by our wonderful volunteers saves us many thousands allowing us the excess monies to develop the club to meet the demands of the current and next generations of the club. On your behalf I applaud their continuing work and commitment.
Whilst completing our financial report our accountants again mentioned the work done by Anne Orrell who is a crucial member of Heather Wharton’s finance team. They described her as excellent and applauded her presentation of both the books and her responsibilities with HMRC. A truly classic example of what I was highlighting earlier. In the same area the work done by Graham Langran is proving beneficial as we continue to improve overall control in the financial area.
In 2015 the Cricket Section enjoy their 175th Birthday and various celebratory events are being planned throughout the year and will be advertised over the next month.
Finally, we arrive at the end of John Bentley’s 3 year term as President and I would thank him on behalf of all Members for his contribution in the role. I have of course advised him that he is retained in all the other areas of his club involvement which as I am sure you are aware is a massive contribution to our cost savings!!
Brian Lorenzini – January 2015