Paul Jepson’s Coaching Update

Saturday April 2nd 2016 | Tennis

Firstly I would like to wish everyone all the best for the upcoming season and I look forward to catching up with everyone over the spring/summer months. This year will once again be a busy one on the coaching front and hopefully I’ll get to see some of you on court improving your game.

The Junior Program will continue to run with the Saturday morning sessions proving as popular as ever. We also have a well-established junior mid-week coaching night every Wednesday. The Adult tactical drills session also runs every Wednesday 7-8pm (£5 per session) and is a great opportunity for you to get back in to your tennis before the season starts.

Tennis Camps will also be running and the first block of these camps will be in the Easter break. Camps will be on the- 6th, 7th and 8th April 10am to 12.30pm (£10 per day of £25 for all 3 days).

Keep your eyes out for the return of Tennis Tuesdays which is a Ladies only coaching session and the addition of a new coaching initiative called ‘Advantage tennis’ which is a session aimed at Males who want a competitive based coaching session. This will be in addition to the annual beginner’s courses.

I am also extending my role with a community outreach focus, trying to further engage schools, community groups and the public in general. There has already been a lot of work that has happened here with a large scale park/community project being delivered in conjunction with the LTA and the local authority.

As a club we have also been selected to deliver a ‘Davis Cup Legacy’ scheme looking to encourage new young people to the sport. This is an exciting opportunity and be a real plus for the club.

Remember I am available for Individual lessons and you can book this directly by contacting me on: Email or  Tel 07841 605 244.