Junior cricket practice

by | Wednesday March 1st 2017 | Cricket

Junior cricket practice will begin outdoors on Friday April 7th, starting at 6.15pm.

Sessions are divided into under 11, under 13 and under 15 age groups, and run by our team of qualified coaches.

Under 11 sessions are for primary school children from aged 7 to 11 (year two to year six), and aim to finish at 8pm.

Membership is £30 for the season and forms will be handed out on the night for parents to register their children.

New members are most welcome.

A family race night will be held at the club on the first training night, April 7th, and further details will be advertised on this website.

For more information about junior cricket contact Cricket Academy Director Steve Orrell by calling 07825 670561 or emailing srorrell@hotmail.co.uk; or chairman Brian Lorenzini on 07850 947534.