Friday December 14th 2018 | Club

We have lost a very special friend and a wonderful club member.

The numbers that attended her Funeral is testimony to how we all feel.

I have noted the number of memories shared on social media by ex-pupils which again is great testimony to her qualities as a teacher.

I can share my own from a few years ago: I was watching some bowling on a Wednesday evening at PBC when a young boy who was playing in a junior cricket match came round and started watching.

I asked him if he enjoyed bowling and he said, not really, but asked me if Mrs Friend bowled at the Club. I, of course, said yes and he asked if she was any good. I said yes and he said she had told him she was during a maths class at his school. I asked him what he thought of Mrs Friend as a teacher and he replied she was smashing and she made maths really enjoyable! I had already heard of Gail’s teaching ability so no other words were needed.

Linda and I visited Gail in Bury Hospice and she was as always surrounded by her wonderful loving family.

She was in good form as well with her City scarf in evidence at the bottom of the bed.

Before we left I mentioned that Gail had been missing from the club for a while and asked if she would like to make a gesture towards the reduced bar takings, she said yes and gave me the now famous Lady Trumpington response of the two fingers!

What a girl. We will always remember Gail strutting positively across the bowling green.

PCTBC would like to offer our sincere condolences to David and the Lads and all in the Friend family.

Rest in Peace Gail.

Brian Lorenzini