Wednesday April 1st 2020 | Cricket

Name: Luke Prescott

Nickname: Lukey P / Pressy

Current or past player: current

What sparked your interest in cricket: Dad and Grandad gave me no choice!

Do you prefer the T20, 50-over, county or Test format of the game: Test, my favourite to watch

Cricketing hero: Gary Sobers because my Grandad played against him

Favourite current (professional) player: Ali Azmat

Most admired/best player you have played with: Pete Loz

Most formidable opponent: Shaw 1st team

Favourite away ground: Winton, because it’s a road

Favourite/most memorable match you’ve played in: Winning GMCL U11s cup when I was 10 because we beat Clifton in the final

Personal highlight/champagne moment: 102 not out for 3rd team at the Wich

Funniest moment/s in cricket: When we had a lap watching the 1st team against Monton singing ‘Cuthy kept us up’ at the end of last season.

Best way to relax after the game: Sitting in the changing room with a group of sweaty men on the gas, singing Prestwich songs after a game.

Do/did you have any cricketing superstitions: I always have the same shower gel the night before a game and the same throwdowns before a game

What will you miss most in cricket during this enforced break: Everything

Is there anything you’d change about the game: Umpires without triggers and not letting Clifton scam the cup and league

If you could invite 3 cricketing celebrities (players, presenters, commentators) round for dinner, who would they be and why: Bumble, Pommie Mbangwa and Danny Morrison for the banter and they are the best commentators