by | Sunday April 19th 2020 | Cricket

Name: Tim Orrell

Nickname: TBH (tennis ball head), Timtex, Texaco, Skip, Shrek

Current or past player:
Past Prestwich player – still holding a bat for Mirfield Parish Cavaliers in the Drakes Huddersfield League but taking quick singles is now strictly only for pinching the strike.

What sparked your interest in cricket:
Mum, Dad, Brothers – all cricket mad. Developed by the opportunity given to me from an early age at Prestwich CC.

Do you prefer the T20, 50-over, county or Test format of the game: To play 50 overs, to watch, test match all day long, you can’t beat the Ashes.

Cricketing hero: I.T.Botham, the 1981 Ashes series was unbelievable to watch unfold.

Favourite current (professional) player: Jos Butler, when in full flow.

Most admired/best player you have played with: Carl Hooper, as a very young captain at Werneth, I learnt so much from him.

Most formidable opponent: Slow left arm bowlers who tested my patience, or lack of it.

Favourite away ground: The Oval, one innings, dropped first ball by the keeper – absolute dolly, then 182 not out at the end of the day. Unfortunately, it rained for the remainder of the game.

Favourite/most memorable match you’ve played in:
Last game for Woodlands CC in the Bradford League (after 15 years there), four teams could win the title on the final day, ourselves included. We batted poorly only getting 153. Bradford and Bingley were chasing the total down and were 149-6. But the never-say-die spirit which you need came through and we bowled them out for 149 to regain the Bradford League title.

Personal highlight/champagne moment:
Signing for Lancashire as a professional and also the pleasure a Lancastrian has when beating the Yorkies in their own league cricket backyard on many occasions.

Funniest moment/s in cricket:
The fielding technique of Dosser (Ian Luckett). When the ball is shelled at you along the ground, stand to attention, hands as far away from the ball as possible and offer your shins as a vertical barrier to stop the ball, showing no pain after impact.

Best way to relax after the game:
Large quarterpounder with cheese meal, with a large chocolate milkshake and two barbecue sauces, making sure to dispose of the rubbish before my wife sees it.

Do/did you have any cricketing superstitions: Always arriving in plenty of time before a game, hate rushing to get ready.

What will you miss most in cricket during this enforced break:
Not being sledged by very average Yorkshire cricketers, e.g. grandad (factually correct), do you think you’re famous (to which my team mates reply: “he’s got his own Wikipedia page, you ain’t!” P.S. The writer of my Wikipedia page needs to get out more once lockdown is over.

Is there anything you’d change about the game: Longer tea breaks, especially when batting second.

If you could invite 3 cricketing celebrities (players, presenters, commentators) round for dinner, who would they be and why:
Tough one, as I’d like to bring different eras to the table, e.g. W G Grace, Donald Bradman and I.V.A Richards. Especially like Viv to talk me through his 189 at Old Trafford whilst watching the highlights, as I was in the crowd along my brother Steve and many lads from the club. One to mention on the day was Paul Gethin who was well lubricated from an early hour and was going to streak if he got to 50, 100, 150, etc. Luckily the packed Old Trafford crowd was spared this delight!