Wednesday April 29th 2020 | Club

We have been in lockdown for over 6 weeks and, sadly, it does not look like improving in the short term. That is the bad news, but the rest of my update is extremely positive.

Thanks to our army of volunteers the club’s estate looks fantastic, there are so many of them I cannot possibly name them individually.

The grounds, playing areas, clubhouse, patio walkways, car park garden are in the best condition I can ever remember. All the work that has taken place has been done in line with our governments social distancing procedures.

Bar and Beer Cellar have been kept to the usual professional standards. I am delighted to advise you that all our bar staff have been successfully furloughed and received their initial payment yesterday.

The work done behind the scenes by our Finance Team is quite brilliant. They continue to manage the day to day financial demands using their undoubted expertise.


In terms of finance, I can report we are in a healthy position and we should continue to be when we come out of this dreadful situation. Thank you to members who have continued to pay their fees despite the likely hood of minimum play and indeed to some who have actually made donations. In addition, we benefitted from a substantial grant from the Government processed by our local council.

My thanks also go to the local council cleansing dept who have on several occasions cleared our drive from the pathetic fly tipping.

Finally, please contact me on if you have any questions relating to the club.

Please Keep Safe.