Message from our President

Friday July 10th 2020 | Bowling, Club

Dear all,

Firstly I hope everyone has survived these awful past months and are slowly starting to get back to something like normality. It’s been such a strange and unprecedented time, what with the extreme measures taken, of everything we know and took for granted being cancelled, we are now slowly and very cautiously starting to get a little normality back.

I am certain that everyone reading this page will have missed their sport and socialising and what I have missed a great deal is bowling. All our league games for all our sports cancelled and all club competitions cancelled. All sections will have felt the impact of these special measures whether playing or supporting their sport and of course the socialising afterwards!

In my last year as President I wanted to support the Presidents bowling competition that would have been this Sunday but is obviously now cancelled. So instead I will be
donating the prizes for the competition in money terms to the club funds.

Over these past months all sections of our club have seen volunteers busy maintaining our wonderful facilities. The bowling green has been regularly cut and treated. The Cricket wicket and outfield have been tended to, to ensure that play can start just as soon as allowed. The Tennis section have been busy on the courts and the Football field has been looked after ready for play. There has been painting, repairing and general upkeep all taking place in readiness to starting again just as soon as possible.

You probably know that the club is now open with excellent safety and hygiene measures in place so hopefully our members will feel able to visit our club that really needs your support right now whilst we are in this slow return to a different normal!

Stay well everyone and hope to see you all soon enjoying your sport and meeting up again with friends.

Kind regards,
Irene Burwin