Thursday July 16th 2020 | Cricket

Junior cricket training returns tomorrow (Friday July 17) at the club, starting at 6.15pm.

There will be softball training for Under 11s. This will be for boys and girls, aged 7 to 11 (primary school years 2 to 6). New members are welcome.

We are also running hardball net sessions for our U13 and U14 group.

Parents will be asked to register their child and provide their own contact details on arrival at the club, prior to the session. This is required as part of the NHS Test and Trace system.

The sessions will be held every Friday until August 28th, weather permitting. The membership fee for U11s to cover these sessions is £15.
Start time is 6.15pm and finish time is 8pm.

Under 11s should bring their own bat if they have one. This is so that equipment-sharing is kept to a minimum. Parents are also advised to bring their own hand sanitiser if possible.

Alternative arrangements have been made for our U15s and U17s and their training has been moved to another night.

These adjustments have been made in line with the latest guidance from the England Cricket Board (ECB) to mitigate the risk of transmission of Covid-19, by employing social distancing measures and minimising close contact wherever possible.

We also ask that parents and visitors abide by the hygiene and social distancing measures put in place so these practices can be run as safely and smoothly as possible.

The club’s bar will be open and toilet facilities available.