Thursday December 31st 2020 | Club

As we thankfully leave 2020 behind let’s look forward together to a better 2021. I wish my fellow members and our wonderful sponsors a wonderful and successful New Year.

Yesterday’s news from Astra Zeneca might well lead to an earlier than anticipated return to a normal life.

All at PCTBC are fully aware of the importance of our club which reaches out to the wellbeing of our local community through its quality provision of sport and friendship.

Last we year we lost about 50% of our normal activity but put against the horrific loss of life it does pale into insignificance.

However, our volunteers across all our sporting disciplines will hopefully, as soon as possible, prepare our facilities for a more productive year of sport providing some welcome entertainment for all. Please do come and join us when possible.

Finally, I want to thank Bury MBC for the wonderful and continuing support they give to the club. They clearly recognize its importance to our community. Together, we will get through this awful period in our lives.