Monday March 1st 2021 | Club

The ROADMAP announcement from the government this week means that all our sections will be active from Monday 29th March. We are confident this will mean all will be active in terms of match play as well as practice. Each section will issue their own operational instructions in the next few days. We will issue a separate note with regard to use of the Clubhouse as and when the situation becomes more certain.

However, commercial bookings are being accepted from Monday 21st June and we are already confirming requests for the regular slots at weekends. The Club AGM has been delayed and will take place in either April or May depending on changes to the use of the clubhouse. The Annual accounts were ratified by the Management Group and will be formerly presented to Members at the AGM.

The club are working on developing an electronic method of paying your subscriptions involving completion of the mandatory membership forms but in the short term please continue to use your sections existing systems. Membership cards will only be issued to new members. Last year’s card and new members cards will be operational on the Club tills from the end of May. This system will allow members to enjoy reduced bar prices, although there will be systems in place for visiting teams to also enjoy members prices.

The ROADMAP gives the club confidence that we will enjoy a full season of sport but of course we need your support to ensure the facilities are ready for action. There will be work parties throughout March and they will be arranged by individual sections.

Please consider joining our monthly draw at a cost of £4 per month (50% of the takings paid out in prizes). Again we are looking at using electronic forms but until that happens please join using the forms available in the Clubhouse.

Finally, the guidance is very clear, continue to stay safe and take no chances at all, accept the call for vaccinations and the ROADMAP could work!