Club access arrangements

Thursday January 4th 2024 | Club

Over the next 4 to 6 weeks, starting on Monday 8th January, access through the main entrance to the club will be disrupted. We have agreed with Wiggett Construction Company a workable plan which is highlighted below. The plan will be subject to agreed changes so we will update as and when required.

Weekends – no change to normal

Weekdays – during normal working hours (8am until 5pm) no vehicle access except waste collection and the dray. We will reduce dray deliveries by holding more stock. Any other deliveries will be managed as and when with Wiggett. Obviously, commercial activity e.g. funerals will be fine and agreed in advance with Wiggett. Vehicle access outside normal working hours will be fine and access by foot will be ok subject to any safety issues being managed on site.

During this period Wiggett will be allowed to park staff cars and vehicles on our property. We have an excellent working relationship with Wiggett, and we do not envisage any serious issues.