Chairman’s Annual Report 2023/24

Monday January 20th 2025 | Club

I am delighted to report another successful year for the club in terms of turnover, and at the same time confirm our commitment to grow, develop and provide a platform of sustainability for the next generations.

With regards to our turnover, and despite a dreadful start to the summer, we increased our bar sales and membership across the club. Our new membership card system helped, as did commercial revenue and of course the increased turnover at T20 and Lancashire Cup matches. When the Wiggett building programme completes, including the new entrance to the club, I anticipate further increases to our turnover. Your management team will continue to examine options that will help support further increases in commercial activity, they include increasing size of the footprint of the club and improving and increasing the size of our toilet facilities.

All our sections move on successfully thanks to the commitment of volunteers who never cease to amaze me with their overall commitment.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tony Fitzmaurice for his professional support to the club over many years and wish him a very happy retirement.

The winter activities run by Ted and Ernie have kept interest in the club and I thank them both for their work.

Our current President Helen retires from her position this year following the club’s protocol and I want to take this opportunity to thank her for her fantastic support over the four years of her extended term due to Covid. I also welcome Alan Millington to the role of president, proposed by the Trustees and seconded by the Management committee. Alan’s commitment to our club over many years is massive and I wish him every success in the role.

Finally, can I remind everybody that opportunities exist to join our money raising options of the 250 club and Last Man Standing.

Brian Lorenzini