3 Senior Cricket Games left at The Heys: 3rds at home today 1pm

Senior Cricket On This Weekend

This weekend the 1sts and 3rds have the chance to secure their respective Saturday & Sunday Premier Division titles away from home but there is plenty of action back at The Heys too. The 2nds are at home today (Sat 10th Sept) Midday start v Daisy Hill 1X1 and the...
Bank Holiday Weekend Cricket at PCC

Bank Holiday Weekend Cricket at PCC

This weekend the weather forecast is good all weekend and Cricket is on to watch all 3 days this weekend bar open. Sat 27th August 2X1 at home v ELPM 12 30pm start. Sun 28th August 4X1 at home v Friend’s Sporting 2pm start. Mon 29th August 3X1 at home v Clifton...