Women and girl cricketers wanted

Women and girl cricketers wanted

Prestwich CC is looking to attract women and girls to play cricket during the 2025 season. The club is planning to organise training sessions and stage women’s cricket games as part of its ambition to build on the growth and success of women’s cricket...
Outdoor junior training ready for return

Outdoor junior training ready for return

Outdoor cricket training for juniors is set to begin next month. The first session is scheduled for Friday April 4, beginning at 6.15pm. Juniors from aged 7 (year 2) upwards are invited to the weekly practices which will run every Friday until the end of August. They...
New junior coaches wanted

New junior coaches wanted

The club is looking for new cricket coaches and assistants to help run its junior teams. The foundation of Prestwich CC’s success, particularly over the past three decades, has been built on its thriving junior structure, for which the future remains equally...
WANTED: New Cricket Coaches

WANTED: New Cricket Coaches

The club is looking for more volunteer cricket coaches to boost its thriving junior section. New coaches and assistant coaches are needed to help with junior training and the running of the club’s junior teams, providing youngsters aged 7 to 17 with the...
New junior coaches wanted

U13s Champion of Champions

Prestwich U13A team finished their season off in style to become GMCL Champion of Champions. As winners of the West division one, they were pitched against Greenfield, winners of East division one. The end-of-season showdown was held last Saturday morning at Heaton CC...