Notice of AGM

Notice of AGM

Our 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held in the clubhouse on Sunday 21st January 2024 at midday. Agenda and Election of Officers will be posted in members lounge. If anyone has any proposals they must be given, in writing, to the secretary two weeks prior to the...
300 Club December winners

300 Club December winners

Congratulations to our recent winners in the Prestwich Cricket, Tennis and Bowling Club monthly cash prize draw. Prizes totalling £300 are up for grabs this month. December 2023 £200 Main Prize: Leo Michaelovitz £100 Runner-Up Prize: Chris Hopkins Are you playing?...
Brian Ahern’s Quiz Night Thurs 16th Nov

Brian Ahern’s Quiz Night Thurs 16th Nov

Great winter news for all members, Ernie is hosting a quiz night on Thursday 16th November in the Clubhouse from 7 30pm. All welcome, bar open. 5 max in a team, £2 a player, all goes back into the pot for the winner and runners up team prize fund. Please come and...
300 Club November winners

300 Club November winners

Congratulations to our recent winners in the Prestwich Cricket, Tennis and Bowling Club monthly cash prize draw. Prizes totalling £300 are up for grabs this month. November 2023 £200 Main Prize: Linda Lorenzini £100 Runner-Up Prize: Janet Austin Are you playing?...
300 Club December winners

400 Club October winners

Congratulations to our recent winners in the Prestwich Cricket, Tennis and Bowling Club monthly cash prize draw. Prizes totalling £400 are up for grabs each month. October 2023 £200 Main Prize: Natasha McAndrew £100 Runner-Up Prizes: Paul Jepson & Chris Orrell Are...
Cheques presented to Bury Hospice

Cheques presented to Bury Hospice

Today we presented two cheques to Bury Hospice. One was for the Slattery Cake Day for £250 and another for £510 from Steven Lorenzini’s music night on 2nd September which will go towards Dionne Burwin’s ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ project for the...