What happened six years ago today

What happened six years ago today

It’s the start of “Flaming June” and whilst the weather remains gloriously sunny, there is sadly no cricket to stoke our fires. So we have taken a little lookback to June 1, 2014, to see who was too hot to handle on this exact day six years ago. Game...
The day a league batting record was smashed

The day a league batting record was smashed

Today, the 3rd XI were due to travel to Darcy Lever in the first round of the Sunday Premier Cup. They are no strangers to Prestwich, having played many games together in the Lancashire and Cheshire League. One of the most significant matches against Darcy Lever was...
The rivals who are tough nuts to crack

The rivals who are tough nuts to crack

Today, the 1st XI would have been travelling to Egerton – a fixture which has soon become one of our toughest, only having crossed swords for the first time when the GMCL was formed. It was during the summer of 2016 that Prestwich made their inaugural visit to...


Today we focus on catching – the latest in our series of coaching tips and drills for juniors. The two-minute video can be accessed on our Facebook and Twitter links. Being able to catch can be just as important as batting and bowling! (Pictured is a remarkable...
The changing face of the club

The changing face of the club

DID YOU KNOW? – part two. More historical extracts from the club’s 180-year history, from the 1950s to the current decade: In the 1950s, a major annual contest was held at the club against Manchester United, attracting large crowds, but this was...