Junior cricket practice

Junior cricket practice

Junior cricket practice will begin outdoors on Friday April 7th, starting at 6.15pm. Sessions are divided into under 11, under 13 and under 15 age groups, and run by our team of qualified coaches. Under 11 sessions are for primary school children from aged 7 to 11...
Winter nets start next Monday

Winter nets start next Monday

Winter Nets start from 8p next Monday, 6th February at the indoor cricket centre at Old Trafford. Sessions will run for 10 weeks at a cost of £3 per person per week. New players welcome.
2016 Cricket section report

2016 Cricket section report

The start of the 2016 Cricket season marked the beginning of a new era in local cricket. The Greater Manchester Cricket League, which had been in the planning for several years, finally became a reality. The new League combined Clubs from several local leagues...